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  • Haley Haskin

About Me

Hey, guys! So I realized that I’ve been writing all these blog posts, but nowhere on my website do I really have an “about me” section. So I wanted to write this blog to tell you just a little bit about myself and a few fun facts! We already know that I work for Disney, and love to write, so let’s dig a little deeper!

I am first and foremost a Christian, which is plain and simple. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and strive daily to love as he did, expand his kingdom with light, and put on an attitude of gratitude for what he has done for his children.

I have the super most coolest family ever and a perfect-for-me boyfriend. Mom, Dad, Isabella, Heather, and Schade. We have the best of times. And oh, yeah! Heather is my identical twin sister! We are pretty much exactly alike, because we went to the same school, had the same major, shared the same room, and now we share the same job. Are we capable of separation, then, you might ask? Absolutely yes. Do we like to be? Not really. We are good friends. The twinship is real.

Not only do I like to write, I love to journal. I have like 10 different journals. I’ve journaled every single thing that has happened to me since my freshman year in college and I do not plan to stop any time soon. I also love fashion, photoshoots, Instagram, movie making, scenic car rides, reading, and going on adventures!

I really like being a student and doing school work. Maybe that is why I enjoy writing so much. I graduated last year with a musical theatre and dance degree from Western Kentucky University, which is where I’m from by the way. Kentucky. Louisville, Kentucky to be exact. It is an awesome place to live. But now I live here in Florida so I can work for Disney.

I adore dancing. I believe it is my God-given gift. Singing and acting are fine too. But dancing is my favorite. There is nothing more satisfying than being in a show and seeing the reward of the final production.

I consider myself to be more methodical and conscientious than inspired and artsy, even though my major was in the arts. I am extremely organized and have a Type A personality to a tee.

Speaking of personalities. I’m kind of obsessed with personality types. And I make anyone I’m close to take the human metrics test. I am an ENFJ- Extroverted. Intuition. Feeling. Judgement. The opposite of me would be an ISTP- Introverted. Sensing. Thinking. Perception. But enough about that.

How about some fun facts?

  1. Favorite Color: Black. (But my spirit color is yellow!)

  2. Favorite Movie: Perks of Being a Wallflower (I also adore The Polar Express and The Parent Trap)

  3. Favorite Food: Anything southern homestyle … mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits, casseroles, lemonade, all the comfort food. I also love BBQ, and my boyfriend’s incredible homemade fettuccini alfredo. It is like nothing you’ve ever tasted in your entire life.

  4. Favorite Dessert: Edy’s Cookie Dough Ice Cream (if you ever need to cheer me up *hint hint*)

  5. Favorite Music: I seriously love almost all music. Musical Theatre, Pop, Rock, Christian Worship, Country, Alternative. Doesn’t matter. My music app, when shuffled, would be an atrocious listening experience: “Act I Finale” to “Smells Like Teen Spirit.”

  6. Favorite Musical: Hairspray or Once (Though my favorite theatrical experience of all time is Punchdrunk's Sleep No More)

  7. Favorite Season: Fall

  8. Pet Peeve: Loud Chewers, Laziness, and Clueless drivers (the ones that drift into lanes without their turn signals and drive 35 mph in a 55 mph zone – the Florida kind of drivers)

  9. Farthest Traveled: Hawaii! (But the goal is Tokyo!)

  10. Fun Fact: I am obsessed with American Sign Language. Two classes in college had me hooked, and it is a dream of mine to go back to school for it and choreograph ASL into dance pieces!

So there you go! Now you know a little bit more about me! Thanks for your interest in my blog, and I would love if you could subscribe and share posts that were informative or spoke to you!

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