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  • Haley Haskin

"Twinship" Teaser Blog: How to Tell us Apart & Funny Twin Stories

Hello Everyone! As you know, I have set out to release an official blog on being a TWIN at the end of this month, in celebration of our birthday! In promotion of that, my twin sister Heather and I wanted to share with you this promo teaser blog in which we talk about our physical and personal differences and some funny twin stories! This is the written version of our video. Be sure to check out the real thing on my Disney N Stuff YouTube channel!

Personality Types:

So how do you tell Heather and I apart? Well in my personal opinion, my voice is higher pitched than Heather’s. She has an oval face shape, while I have a heart face shape. Her mouth is shaped a little wider than mine, and her nose is slimmer at the end than mine. Also, her eyes are a tiny bit farther apart, and now she has longer hair because I chopped mine off! Our bodies below our faces are virtually identical in shape – same weight and same amount of muscle tone. But you can tell which one we are from the back when you see us walk. Heather walks with a steady, grounded gate, and I walk with a slight hop in my step that almost looks like a limp, due to the fact that for some reason my right hip swivels forward more when I walk.

Our personalities, fashion, and hobbies also have some differences. I tend to have a slightly more upbeat personality, while her personality is tamer. I also talk more than her. Based on the Meyers Briggs personality test, I am an ENFJ and she is an INTJ. We differ here in Extraversion vs. Introversion and Feeling vs. Thinking. Her fashion sense is more of a classic vintage look that uses more pastels and bright colors. My style involves more dark, earthy colors to complete a grungy, retro look. And lastly, while we both love creating, in the last year or so we have branched off into our own sorts of creative outlets. She is very involved in sewing, crocheting, embroidering, and reading. I have recently developed a strong interest in writing over reading, twirled paper, and photography.

Funny Twin Stories:

We have experienced a wide range of funny twin stories throughout our lives. Let me share with you a few more recent stories that we remember.

Story #1:

So one time, Freshman year of college, I wake up in the morning, and get dressed in my teal gym shorts with the pink trim, my charcoal gray Bible and Beach t-shirt, and my ballet bun. Heather is still sound asleep in her bed as I leave for class. When I come back home from class, Heather wasn’t there. She had gone to the gym. So I lay out on the floor and start to do my daily ab routine. Sure enough, as I’m lying there doing crunches, Heather walks back in the door from the gym, and stops dead in her tracks, as both our mouths fall open. Heather walked through that door wearing the exact same outfit I was wearing – the same teal and pink gym shorts, the same charcoal gray Bible and Beach t-shirt, and the same messy bun! We still hadn’t seen each other all morning until that point. There is no other explanation as to why we would even be subconsciously influenced to choose those clothes of the approximate 50 t-shirts we both owned other than: twinpower.

Story #2:

Another time during our senior year of college, Heather told me she was going to the music practice rooms one afternoon to practice voice. I had to practice that day too, so when I went up to the Arts Center, I walked down the hallway of practice rooms and looked for her. Well, I listened down the hallway and looked through the tiny windows in the doors until I found her in one of the rooms. So I peeped in the window (that was partially covered by a music flyer), and I tapped on the door. Heather momentarily stopped singing, turned toward the door, stared for a few seconds, then with a puzzled look, shook her head, and kept rehearsing. I was perplexed at why she was ignoring me. Did I mess up her practicing? Had I made her angry? So I tapped on the window again. This time Heather turned around and looked directly at me a little longer, still with a puzzled look. Finally it dawned on her. She came to the door and opened it exclaiming “I thought you were my reflection!” I burst in the room, both of us dying laughing at the fact that Heather thought she was looking at her reflection in the window, when actually she was looking at me!

Thanks so much for viewing this blog! I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about us. Don’t forget to check out the official video here, and stay watching for the official Twin Blog at the end of this month! I will be delving more into the interesting phenomenon of being a twin with a little bit of our history as twins, why we used to hate it, why we love it now, how it has even influenced our profiles in the performing arts, and what it means to our lives for the future. Share and subscribe!

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